Saturday 23 April 2016

How to make Blueberry Rolls

Prep Time : 20 minutes

Cook time : 50 minutes

Serve : 4

Level Of Cooking : Medium


  • Blueberry compote - as needed

  • Refined flour (maida) - 2½ cups

  • Butter - 2 tablespoons

  • Fresh yeast - 2 1/2 teaspoons

  • Castor sugar (caster sugar) - 1 tablespoon + a pinch

  • Milk - 1¼ cups

  • Salt - a pinch

  • Icing sugar - for dusting

  • Method

    Step 1

    Heat oven at 180ºC. Then grease the baking tin with some butter and dust some refined flour onto it.

    Step 2

    Take some yeast in a bowl and a pinch castor sugar.

    Step 3

    Heat milk on a non-stick pan.

    Step 4

    Add 2-3 tblspoons warm milk to the yeast and mix it all together. Keep aside for 2 minutes.

    Step 5

    Put some refined flour in another bowl. Add salt and 1 tablespoon castor sugar into it and mix well. Add the other yeast to it and mix well. Add the leftover milk and knead into a soft dough. Then add 2 tablespoons butter to the dough and knead again. Keep it aside.

    Step 6

    Take blueberry compote into a bowl.

    Step 7

    Dust some refined flour on top of it and roll out the dough into ½ inch thick rectangular sheet. Put some blueberry over the sheet. Sprinkle some castor sugar over it and roll the sheet tightly.

    Step 8

    Cut the edges and cut the prepared roll into 1 inch rolls. Place each roll in the baking tin, cover with muslin cloth and set aside.

    Step 9

    Now brush the rolls with some milk, place the baking tin on a baking tray, put the tray in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.

    Step 10

    Now you can brush the rolls with some butter and keep aside to cool. Remove them from the tin and they are ready to be served.

  • Bon Appetit!

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